


Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Basic Policy

We contribute to the realization of a sustainable society as a trading group specialized in electronic parts while keeping the Corporate Governance Code in mind. In addition, we will build a compact yet highly effective framework while achieving a balance between growth and safety.

Major measures to achieve the Corporate Governance Basic Policy
  1. 1

    Enhancement of Outside Directors

  2. 2

    Revitalize the Board of Directors

  3. 3

    Introduction of executive share-based payment (BBT) (already introduced)

  4. 4

    Formulation of independence criteria for independent outside corporate officers

  5. 5

    Establishment of a voluntary Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Risk Management

The Group has established a Risk Management Committee chaired by the President as an organization to oversee total risk management to enhance corporate value while addressing all risks of loss that threaten the sustainable development of our corporate activities.

Basic policy for building an internal control system

The Group has established an internal control system in compliance with laws and regulations, and in particular with the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. Based on this, the rules for the monitoring system are set forth in the Internal Control Rules, Internal Audit Rules, and the Standards for Conducting Audits by the Audit and Supervisory Committee for the Internal Control System.

  1. 1

    Framework to ensure that the execution of duties by directors and employees conforms to laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation

  2. 2

    Framework concerning the retention and management of information on the execution of duties by directors

  3. 3

    Framework for regulations concerning the management of risk of loss and other matters

  4. 4

    Framework for ensuring efficient execution of duties by directors

  5. 5

    Framework to ensure the appropriateness of operations across the Group that consists of the Company and its subsidiaries

  6. 6

    Framework to ensure that internal control concerning financial reporting is carried out in a practical manner

  7. 7

    Matters concerning an assistant and the independence of the said assistant from directors in the event that the Corporate Auditors seek to use an assistant who assists Corporate Auditors in their duties.

  8. 8

    Framework for directors and employees of the Company and directors and employees of subsidiaries to report to the Corporate Auditors and also framework concerning reporting to the Corporate Auditors.

  9. 9

    Framework to ensure that audits by the Corporate Auditors are effectively conducted

Link:Basic policy for building an internal control system【PDF・418K】

The Group, as an organization to oversee overall compliance, has established a Compliance Committee, chaired by the President and including outside attorneys as members.

Based on our belief that compliance encompasses not only laws and regulations but also behavioral guidelines for adhering to social norms, we have also established a "Corporate Code of Conduct" and "Standards of Business Conduct" to guide our corporate activities.

Corporate Code of Conduct
  1. 1

    We will comply with laws, regulations and other social norms and conduct fair and sound corporate activities.

  2. 2

    We will contribute to society through the provision of excellent products and services.

  3. 3

    We will respect the personality and individuality of our employees and realize a stress-free and comfortable working environment.

  4. 4

    We respect the position of stakeholders.

  5. 5

    We aim to become a good corporate citizen who contributes to the local community.

  6. 6

    We will contribute to the conservation of the global environment and creation of a rich and comfortable society.

Link:Corporate Code of Conduct and Standards of Business Conduct【PDF・806K】