

Stock Information/Dividend Information

Shinko Shoji’s Stock Information as of March 31, 2024.

Securities Code
Listed Stock Exchange
Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market
Number of Shares Issued and Outstanding
Authorized number of shares:79,400,000株
Number of shares outstanding:38,010,566株
(We hold 4,120,851 treasury shares.)
Number of Shareholders
Number of Shares per Trading Unit
Shareholder Dividends 19/3 20/3 21/3 22/3 23/3 24/3
(Yen) 55 41 34 59.5 69 48.5

1. We have 38,010,566 total shares outstanding due to the retirement of treasury stock on November 10, 2021.
2.We hold 4,120,851 shares of treasury stock as of March 31, 2024 and are excluded from the above major shareholders.
Treasury stock does not include 783,800 shares held by Japan Custody Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account E) following the introduction of the"Stock Benefit Trust for Directors (BBT)" and the "Employee Stock Benefit Trust (J-ESOP)".
3. We are conducting a 2-for-1 stock split of our common stock as of October 1, 2019.
Due to this stock split, the dividend per share for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020 is the sum of the interim dividend before the stock split and the year-end dividend after the stock split.

Major Shareholders Number of shares held (shares) Percentage of voting rights (%)
Kitai and Company     4,900,000  14.46
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd.(Trust account)     3,351,000    9.89
The Bank of Yokohama, Ltd.     1,143,648    3.37
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation     1,021,648    3.01
Akio Kitai       967,000    2.85
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.(Trust Account)       861,200    2.54
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.(Trust E Account)        783,800    2.31
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.(Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Retrust/TDK Corporation Retirement Benefit Trust Unit)        698,000    2.06
Tomiko Mizukami        461,772    1.36

Accounting Term Ends March 31
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders June
Date of Shareholder Eligibility Voting Rights Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on March 31
Year-End Dividend March 31
Interim Dividend September 30
Stock Transfer Agent and account management institution for special accounts Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Contact details of the Agent Stock Transfer Agency Department,Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
New Tokyo Post-office box No,29
(1-1, Nikkoucyo,Fucyu-city,Tokyo 137-8081,Japan)

telephone Number 0120-232-711


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